Hopefully this does not become a very widespread issue for us, as all of our computers, both for the public and the staff (we're a library), use the same type of mouse. Also, restarting does not seem to necessarily bring the issue back. (Another that I had fixed needed to be fixed again) After working for a while, I had went to switch users, then realized I needed to log back in for one more thing, and the moment I was back at my desktop the mouse suddenly cut out. I am not sure what triggers it either. On one of the Surfaces I had fixed it yesterday morning, and when I came in it was fine.

I was able to figure out the same solution as Thundervortex, but it seems to only be a temporary fix, and how long it stays functional seems to vary.

Just to add my experience, I have been having the same issue on multiple Surface Pro 3s that are used at a couple of locations in my workplace.